Submitted by Linda Schmidt: Member since 2017
Submitted by Linda Schmidt: Member since 2017
This is the wedding photo of my husband’s paternal grandparents, Ed Schmidt and Hazel Carpenter, married on September 28,1914. Lawrence Welk grew up with the bride and groom and played at their wedding. Ed’s brother, Homer, was a member of Welk’s band and played the drums. He later had his own band, called the Bohemian Band, but unfortunately, he never made it as big as Lawrence Welk.

General Meetings
Our evening meetings, conducted via Zoom, showcase a guest presenter who delves into a compelling genealogical subject. Open to both members and the public, these sessions are free of charge with registration required for attendance. Visit the Events page for more information and registration links. 
  • Time and Date: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) 2nd Thursday of each month (except August and December).
  • Register for these Zoom meetings on the Events page.
Descendants Newsletter
Our newsletter, Descendants, is exclusively available to our valued members. Published ten times per year each issue covers an array of topics:  
  • Special interest stories, interviews, and research tips from genealogy specialists, including our own member experts
  • Topic-driven photo essays featuring ancestral snapshots contributed by members
  • Insights from our CCCGS president
  • ​Research facilities in and around Contra Costa County  
  • Calendar of CCCGS hosted events 
  • Event notices for other genealogical societies in Northern California and national genealogical societies 
  • ​Feedback, ideas and suggestions for the newsletter are welcomed at
Annual Fall Webinar
This popular event, usually held in October, features a professional from the genealogy field who conducts a deep-dive into a broad topic of interest.
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Upcoming Events
February 13
How Related Faces Can Help Identify Unknown People in Old Photos with Tina LaFreniere
Connecting Faces Through Time – How Related Faces Can Help Identify Unknown People in Old Photos. We will step you through how to identify unknown people in old photographs by ...

March 13 Tips, Techniques, and Surprises for Using With Jamie Lee McManus Mayhew
Jamie Lee McManus Mayhew will present " Tips, Techniques, and Surprises for Using the FamilySearch website." This presentation will provide you with additional tools that will give you some ...

April 10
Scotland’s Resources: There’s more to Scottish research than Scotlandspeople! by Tina Beaird
  Interested in learning more about finding your Scottish ancestors join us and Tina Beard. She will review so many resources to begin your research. Tina  lectures nationally on ...

May 8
CCCGS Annual Business Meeting and “Show & Tell” Event
Our annual business meeting where we install new members to the Board of Directors, vote on any bylaws changes, and receive a financial report. Plus, our popular “Show & Tell” ...

July 10
Kate Penney Howard on DNA
Kate Penney Howard is a genetic genealogist, specializing in brick wall work, HighRoH, and endogamy. A specific DNA topic will be announced later.     Registration link will be provided ...